Section 4: Applications: Is there an existing script to ...

There are a lot of applications available.   For all the tasks
listed here, there are free systems you can download and install
yourself (at least if you're on UNIX).   Many are excellent.

Before ever *buying* software, do a Net search on what you want and
check what freeware is available.   Does the commercial system you
had in mind *really* have any advantages?   If you can't follow
the jargon they use to explain the merits of their system, insist
on some clarification (hey, that's not just for Web software :-)

Most questions under this heading are probably best answered by
reference to appropriate review sites on the Web (in many cases,
Thomas Boutell's WWW FAQ).   In cases where I know of one or more
good sites, I've referenced them.

4.1: Where to look for programs, scripts, and other resources?

Matt Wright - himself author of many popular CGI resources - has
recently (March.97) opened a new website dedicated to this subject:

I am happy to recommend this as a rich and well-organised collection,
and probably the best of its kind on the Web today.

[Table of Contents] [Index]

4.2: Where to look for free scripts for my application?

(see also previous question, which should perhaps replace this one altogether)

Some popular places to look for a wide range of free CGI applications are:

Selena Sol's Public Domain CGI Scripts

Matt Wright's Script Archive

Dale Bewley has a much longer list of script archives
(along with his own scripts) at

[Table of Contents] [Index]

4.3: Discussion group/bulletin board

David R Woolley maintains a list of currently around 100 systems at
("Conferencing on the Web").

[Table of Contents] [Index]

4.4: CSCW/Groupware

There are several overview sites for this.   A few are:

The CSCW Yellow Pages, at

NCSA Web Collaboration pages, at

[Table of Contents] [Index]

4.5: Database

This subject deserves its own FAQ.   When someone recently asked about one, (Matthew D. Healy) posted this answer (slightly chopped)

> : Is there a CGI and Database FAQ available?
> : If so, could someone tell me where can I get it?
> Dunno about a FAQ on that.  I can recommend a couple of published
> works, however:
> 1. I wrote a chapter about CGI/Database work for the book
> {Special Edition Using CGI}.  Fulltext is online at the
> publisher's WWW site:
>  The book
>  My chapter on WWW/DBMS
> 2. Jeff Rowe wrote an excellent book, {Building Internet Database
> Servers With CGI}.  URL for more info:
> Jeff's WWW site has scads of useful information on WWW/DBMS programming,
> and pointers to lots more sites.

Matthew's CGI links page at
expands the list, and includes links to popular packages including
Bo Frese Rasmussen's WDB at

[Table of Contents] [Index]

4.6: Is than a non-setuid script to allow users to change password?

Yes.  Here is an example:

It is an Expect script that wraps itself around the passwd command.
With this technique, there is no need to make scripts setuid (e.g.,
cgiwrap).  This same technique lends itself to many other scripts that
might otherwise need setuid.

(contributed by Don Libes <>)

[Table of Contents] [Index]