Aliases and Redirections

Aliases allow you to mount any file or directory that lives outside the document root to somewhere inside the document tree. Redirections allow you to force a request client on a certain URL to be redirected to somewhere else on your website, or to a remote site. They are both similarly setup, and so are described here together. From the front page, select the following links:
  1. Configuration
  2. Server Configuration
  3. Edit server (selecting the appropriate virtual server which you desire to set CGIs up for).
  4. Database configuration
At this point, choose either the Redirections link, or the Aliases link depending on the operation you with to perform.

Fill in the details requested on the form, and then click on the Add button. Select the Back option at the bottom of the page to return you to the form page. Then in order to put this change into effect, you need to restart the administration server. Thus choose the START/STOP at the bottom of the page, then select (Re)Start server.

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