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Operating System-Specific Dependencies

This manual occasionally refers to other Oracle7 manuals that contain detailed information for using Oracle7 only on a specific operating system. These Oracle7 manuals are often called installation or user's guides, although the exact name may vary among operating systems.

This appendix lists all the references in this manual to operating system-specific Oracle manuals.

For the information on these topics appropriate for your operating system, see your Oracle7 installation or user's guide.

Topic Page
Concatenation operator (usually ||)
CREATE CONTROLFILE MAXDATAFILES default, maximum MAXINSTANCES default, maximum MAXLOGFILES default, minimum, maximum MAXLOGMEMBERS default, maximum MAXLOGHISTORY default 4 - 173
CREATE DATABASE DATAFILE default LOGFILE default MAXDATAFILES default, maximum MAXINSTANCES default, maximum MAXLOGFILES default, minimum, maximum MAXLOGMEMBERS default, maximum MAXLOGHISTORY default CHARACTERSET supported and default 4 - 178
CREATE TABLESPACE REUSE and raw devices 4 - 254
CREATE USER OS_ROLES initialization parameter IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY SET ROLE database administration roles 4 - 267
filenames 4 - 343
SQL scripts CATEXP.SQL DBMSSNAP.SQL DBMSSTDX.SQL SQL.BSQ UTLCHAIN.SQL UTLEXCPT.SQL UTLSAMPL.SQL UTLXPLAN.SQL 4 - 353 4 - 230 4 - 238 4 - 188 4 - 198 4 - 202 4 - 206 4 - 257 4 - 352 4 - 339 4 - 329 prefviii 4 - 339
STORAGE clause INITIAL maximum NEXT maximum MINEXTENTS maximum PCTINCREASE maximum OPTIMAL maximum 4 - 449
ROWID component lengths 2 - 27

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